Lasting Powers of Attorney
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) allows another person or people (the attorneys) whom you (the donor) nominate to make decisions on your behalf before and/or after your death.
There are two types of LPA: Property & Financial Affairs and Health & Welfare.
Lasting Powers of Attorney Pricing
Excluding OPG Fees (In Addition)
Property & Financial
Health & Welfare
Property & Financial Affairs LPA
This Lasting Power of Attorney relates directly to your financial affairs and property.
It can be used by your nominated attorney(s) whilst you are still sound of mind or have become in some way incapacitated.
Your attorney for Property & Financial Affairs can, on your behalf:
Buy or sell property
Manage your bank account and invest your savings
Claim welfare benefits or savings and receive income for you
Manage your tax affairs
Pay your mortgage, rent and Household expenses
Insure, maintain and repair your property as required
Health & Welfare LPA
A Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney can only take effect if you no longer have the mental capacity to deal with your affairs.
Your nominated attorney(s) can, on your behalf:
Make decisions on your place of residence and daily care needs
Arrange any necessary medical, dental and optical treatments for you
Permit access to your personal information
Consent or decline medical treatment in your interests
Make decisions on your diet and clothing
This LPA also offers you the right to grant your appointed attorney(s) the power to make decisions on accepting or declining life-sustaining treatment.
Why You Should Make an LPA Now:
The possibility of losing mental capacity is a subject which can cause distress and is often understandably avoided.
We all need to recognise however that accidents, strokes or degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s can strike at any time and at any age. For your own peace of mind and for the sake of those nearest and dearest to you, making an LPA now is your best safeguard against unforeseen circumstances.
With the expert guidance of Norfolk-based Anglia Will Writers, your LPA will ensure that the person(s) whom you nominate can make decisions for you. In the event of loss of mental capacity and with no LPA in place, a Deputy may be appointed under English law meaning that you and your family will have no control over the management of your affairs.
Act now – with Anglia Will Writers, your LPA will safeguard you and your loved ones against life’s uncertainties.